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How to Classify Marbles
Time:2013-10-11 02:27:22  Source:  Clicks:1564  Tags:stone,Classify Marbles

        Marbles are small spheres that people have used for centuries to play games.s are made from a number of materials such as marble , stone, glass or plastic. They come in a wide variety of colors, patterns and even sizes. Some games in fact, require the use of different-sizeds. Some people collect marbles and if you have a lot of them, you might want to classify them according to size and type. This keeps them organized.


 Instructions as follows: 


 Firstly, divide your marbles into two basic sizes. The smaller marbles are called ducks and are the ones you hit when playing the game of marbles. The larger marbles are called shooters and are the ones you use to hit the ducks.


Secondly, divide each set into various sets depending on whether all of the marbles are the same size. Marble size differs based on their country of origin and the manufacturer. The small marbles might actually be several different sizes. Divide both the small marbles and the large marbles into separate sizes if possible.


Thirdly, separate out the oxblood marbles. Oxblood marbles have red streaks on them.


Fourthly, separate out the marbles that have a ridged onion-like pattern on them. These are the onionskin marbles.


Fifthly, separate out the toothpaste marbles. These marbles have black, orange, blue and red on the outside or in the inside of the marble.


Sixthly, separate out cat's eye marbles. These are marble that resembles a cat's eye.


Seventhly, place each grouping in its own plastic container. Label it by its size classification as well as its design or pattern name.